Ped Makarm
Duck or Beef with Tamarind Sauce
Gwen Baker
180 g lean breast of duck, or steak
, For the marinade:
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 piece star anise, or 2 cardamom pods
5 cm cinnamon stick
1 clove garlic, peeled
1 fresh coriander root and stem
2 tsp fish sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 cm galangal, minced
, For the sauce:
180 g palm sugar
2 tsp fish sauce
120 ml cup light soya sauce
250 ml tamarind sauce
2 tbsp corn flour
1 Red Thai chili, chopped
, For the garnish:
1 tsp deep-fried sliced shallots
1 tsp deep-fried large dried chilli
2 tbsp spring greens, (mock seaweed) deep-fried
To make the marinade, dry-roast the coriander seed, star anise and cinnamon.
Pound them with the garlic and coriander root and stem in a mortar.
Mix in The Blue Elephant Special Sauce and marinate the duck breast with the mixture for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight.
For the deep-fried garnishes (taking larger quantities and storing the remainder in airtight containers for subsequent use), heat the oil to 180ºC / 350ºF.
Deep-fry the sliced shallots for about 2 minutes until golden-brown.
Cut the chilli into 1cm / 1/2 in pieces and dip it briefly into the hot oil.
Slice the spring greens finely and deep-fry for a few moments only, until crisp.
When removed from the oil all these items should be drained on absorbent paper.
To make the sauce, bring 3 1/2 tbsp water to the boil and dissolve the palm sugar in it.
Add the fish sauce and soya sauce and return to the boil.
Add the tamarind sauce and simmer for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, dissolve the tapioca flour in 1 tbsp water.
Add to the sauce and mix well until it thickens.
Set aside and keep hot.
Grill the duck breast under a very hot grill for about 4 minutes on each side, until half cooked.
Garnish one side of a serving dish with salad leaves.
On the other side, make a bed of deep-fried mock seaweed.
Cut the duck into slices and place, overlapping evenly, on the seaweed.
Coat with the sauce and sprinkle over the fried shallot and chilli garnish.